Understanding the Academic Document Translation Process

Rana MaaloufRana Maalouf

An academic document, such as a diploma, confirms the candidate’s completion of some educational program and even attaining some relevant skills in the field. Academic document translation is needed when one studies abroad, applies for a job or continues an academic career. This paper highlights the major points that require consideration while translating a diploma.

When is Academic Document Translation Required?

The cases in which an academic document translation may be required, include the following:

  1. Studying Abroad: This could be for admission to educational institutions or to avail scholarship opportunities in another country; your diploma has to be translated into the target language.
  2. Job Applications: When you apply for a job overseas, your diploma has to be translated into the language of the country in which you are applying for employment.
  3. Academic Career Advancement: Most of the students want to pursue a master’s or doctorate study outside the country. For this purpose, you need to translate your diploma into the language of the destination country.
  4. Professional Certification: Some regulated professions demand that you send translated diplomas to the relevant authorities to work in that country.

How to Translate an Academic Document

Translation is a multi-step process:

  1. Professional Translation Agency: Look for a seasoned, well-known agency specializing in legal document translation. Make sure this translation firm has certified translators.
  2. Organize the Documents You Need: Prepare the original and copies of your diploma, a copy of your identification, and a translation request form.
  3. Commission Translation: Contact the chosen translation agency and request that they effect a translation of your diploma. They will notify you of the amount payable and how long it will take.
  4. Review the Translation: Check the translation when you get it for accuracy and omnibus relation. If necessary, have the same corrections.

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Things to Note in Translating Academic Documents

While opting for the translation of your diploma, take into account the following:

  1. Certified Translation: Translations are certified for official use. Certified translations are notarized and stamped.
  2. Accuracy and Completeness: The translation should contain an ‘accurate’ reflection of all the information that is present in the original document.
  3. Grammar and Spelling: The translation should not have any grammatical or spelling errors.
  4. Format Consistency: The translation must be formatted precisely like the original document and formatted professionally.

Costs of Academic Document Translation

One paid-for academic translation differs from agency to agency, according to the length of the document, and the language combination. The average pricing for the translation of a diploma lies between 15 – 20 USD per page.

Academic Document Translation – Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can Translate Diplomas?

The translations of diplomas are done only by a sworn translator or a translation agency.

2. How much time does translating a diploma take?

This depends on the agency and the length of the document. A common period that it takes to translate a diploma is 1-2 business days.

3. Are certified translations required for diploma and transcript translations?

In general, yes. Translations of academic documents such as diplomas and transcripts are generally required to be translated by certified translators. This requirement may vary depending on the institution you are applying to and the target country.

When certified translation is required:

Applying for graduate or doctoral studies abroad: Most universities accept certified translations of foreign language diplomas and transcripts.

Have the translation done by a certified translator who is authorized and experienced in the relevant languages. Make sure the translation is complete, accurate and consistent with the original document.

Please note that these are general guidelines and specific requirements may vary. It is always best to check with the institution or organization you are applying to for their specific requirements.

All these steps and considerations will ensure that your academic document translation is compliant with all requirements.


Post updated on 23 Jul, 2024.

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