Translation Partner Guide: How to select one?

Rana MaaloufRana Maalouf

Translation involves various skills, services, and steps depending on what a client is looking for. There are various verticles, and demands and most of the time if comes down to the client or customer and their needs. Their long-term and short-term goals will affect what type of translation work they are looking for. There are various professional translation companies and translation partners you can go to for each of these services as well as various translation technology options. But as we have seen, it can be very overwhelming and difficult to know where to turn. Protranslate is here to help with that – and enlighten for you what we can. 


What’s the difference between a translation partner and a translation vendor?

There is another solution that we have yet to go into and that is a Translation Partner. Before we get into that, lets first review what a translation vendor is. A translation vendor will work with you and the translation process, but more as a base-by-base project. Furthermore, they may not be able to provide you with a professional translation service, just computer-aided translation tools which you easily could investigate yourself. If they do provide you with a human translator the relationship will be very direct: submit your content to a stranger or agency, they will translate it and then provide it back to you.

As far as finding the best translation services though, there is another option. A translation partner. Who will become more hands-on. You will build a relationship, they will share your vision, dreams, goals, and be able to bounce off ideas with you. Essentially they will become a part of your inner circle and team not only when it comes to translation but your long term visions and goals. 


Why should you use a translation partner?

Having a translation partner can be extremely valuable especially in terms of business process outsourcing and getting the best for your buck. You won’t just get a service, but a long term team and partnership. You will get a reliable source of information and help as opposed to a basic service. Furthermore, improving translation quality will be the result if an agency or specific translator feels more connected to your work. They will feel more invested and will end up delivering far more than you could have ever hoped for in terms of a language service provider or translation project manager.  After all, when people feel a purpose and a power in what they are doing, they will work harder than for some remote content they feel disconnected from. 


How Protranslate can be the one to help:

Luckily Portranlsate is two for one. Should you be looking for the best translation project management software, and just need some guidance or help to find it you have come to the right place. Should you need software localization Protranslate does that. Should you need a translation vendor or partner Protranslate provides that as well. Essentially whatever you need online or offline Protranslate can provide it. The goal of Protranslate is to be as flexible and fluid as possible. We are here to fit your needs, not for you to fit ours. So the best online translation services whatever that mean to you are available. This is how we stand out, this is how we are leaders in our field. We are able to know the user and what they may need in all scenarios. So reach out today!

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Post updated on 13 Dec, 2023.

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