How to be time efficient for freelancers

Rana MaaloufRana Maalouf

Have you just started with Protranslate as a freelance translator? There are a couple of things you should keep in mind to make sure you don’t get overwhelmed and we are here to help you out and make sure you get started on the right foot! Here is our guide to how to be time efficient for freelancers. Enjoy!


Before moving on how to be time efficient

Don’t let your excitement overwhelm you! If this is your first time a freelance worker it can sound like the perfect dream that you can choose your time, day and place you want to work. So much freedom to be enjoyed and being able to set your own flexible hours with more free time with no obligations sounds perfect. Although some of these aspects are true, if you don’t stay organized it can lead to sloppy work and difficulty in keeping up with deadlines.

So definitely enjoy the perks of your new freelance position, but make sure you keep everything in balance and deliver the best work you can. How to be efficient with time is one of the greatest things to focus on. After all, time better managed means less stress for you and a healthier and happier lifestyle.


Here are a couple of tips to keep in mind on how to be time efficient as a freelancer

  • Make sure in advance you have the full details and brief of your translation projects. Never assume what is best for the client and once you gain full clarity it means you can jump right into working when you get to the project in your schedule, instead of wasting valuable time in back and forth emails making sure you understood everything correctly.
  • Dictate your translations before submitting them. There are many errors we skim over when reading in our heads, so doing this can allow you to deliver a higher quality of work.
  • Learn to say no. Make sure, especially in the beginning that you learn your rhythm and pace. What you can handle and what is too much for you. Start slowly, take more on when you can, and say no when you know you will not be able to deliver your best.


Have a couple more questions? No problem, here is where we break it down 

  1. Find a good place to work. That is completely dependent on whatever works for you. Some people can’t focus at home, and others thrive and can focus comfy on the couch. Whatever and wherever it is, make sure you have all your materials and that there are limited distractions. Furthermore, once you have found your perfect working space, be “unavailable”. This means phone notifications off, social media closed, and not checking emails. Give yourself a quiet space to get things done with 100% of your attention.
  2. Plan your day. There are tons of good time management tools for doing this, but all come down to the same thing: efficient time management skills. Here are a couple of tips on how to manage your time better:
  • The first step in using time more efficiently is to start with your hardest projects earlier in the day.
  • Put time frames for each project, this will allow you to stick to a mini deadline and eliminate long term procrastination.
  • Schedule your breaks and distraction time so that they don’t get in the way of your work time.
  • Schedule regular breaks, every hour or so. This will keep your brain refreshed for the next tasks.


Not convinced?

In case it still isn’t hitting home for you, let’s break down some of the benefits of time management strategies on how to be time efficient:

  1. Lower stress levels
  2. Less re-work
  3. More productivity
  4. Less wasted time

These are only a few things that show the importance of time management tips, and the way they can affect your life and your workload. But with these in mind, success is guaranteed! Good luck and remember to stick to a plan!

In Protranslate, we are always looking forward to getting new expert translators onboard. If you are one of them, check our translator application for freelance translators!

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Post updated on 1 Nov, 2023.

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