Measure Brand Awareness With Key Metrics

Rana MaaloufRana Maalouf

Creating, maintaining and developing brand awareness is a difficult yet crucial task. As a translator, it is very valuable to have this understanding in mind and can help you create more beneficial content for your client. So let’s break it down by what brand awareness is and how to measure brand awareness with key metrics for optimization.

Definition of Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is a marketing term that indicates the level at which a consumer recognizes a brand by its name. Why is this important? Because brands that have a high level of brand awareness will generate more sales and revenue than a brand with a low level of brand awareness. Put simply: This is because when consumers are presented with various options of the same product, they are more likely to go with the one they recognize. It means it has a certain level of respectability and possibly higher quality within the consumer’s mind.


Real-Life Example

One of the best examples of a brand with high brand awareness is Coca-Cola. Without its label, most people are unable to differentiate between sodas, but because it has established very strong, global brand recognition most consumers will buy Coca-Cola over any other type of soda.


How To Measure Brand Awareness

There are a few metrics and strategies you can use to test and measure your brand awareness. After all, if you don’t know your starting point, you won’t be able to strategize reaching a higher level of brand awareness.

  1. Analyzing Your Direct Traffic: These are the users that typed your brand name directly into their browser. It means they remembered your brand or website and have a brand recall. Do some market research, establish a benchmark, and see where your brand falls in comparison.
  2. Utilizing Earned Media: This is when your brand is mentioned in the press (you can either do this through media buying or simply because they want to mention you). This allows your brand to be boosted from other channels. Tracking the number of other websites you are mentioned in and the number of times the articles were shared, and seeing what traffic came from those websites can be a great way of tracking your brand awareness. Be sure to check engagement both before and after you are mentioned in other media channels. To increase your brand exposure in foreign markets you might want to learn more about press release translation service.
  3. Social Media Engagement: By simply looking at your posts and blogs you can take a look at your engagement metrics. The higher they are, and the bigger your reach the better your brand awareness. Test different types of content and images, see what gets the most results, and focus on creating more of that type of content going forward. Read about the social media globalization in here.


How to Optimize Brand Awareness

Let’s start with an introduction of brand awareness survey. This is a survey that is able to measure your target audience’s existing awareness of your brand. Done by capturing demographic data and allowing you to clearly see and understand how your consumers view your brand, and with that: Create a strategy to improve your brand awareness within your target audience.

When creating your brand awareness survey, the following metrics should be a part of your Brand Awareness marketing objectives:

  • Brand recall
  • Brand recognition
  • Brand identity
  • Brand image
  • Brand Trust
  • Brand Loyalty
  • Identify your customer profile

Running a brand awareness campaign can also help. A brand awareness campaign is a marketing campaign with the main goal of not only testing brand awareness but gaining lead conversions.

How to build brand awareness metrics and know which ones to pick? Here are some great metrics to get you started:

  1. Search impressions
  2. Paid impressions
  3. Direct website sessions
  4. Advertising banner ad sessions
  5. Social followers
  6. Social impressions
  7. Social engagement
  8. Press release search
  9. Online reviews

The power of brand awareness is undeniable, but with all of these tips, you should be able to get started in optimizing and tracking. Just one last quick tip: Your logo, brand name, website, and even your product ARE NOT a part of your brand strategy. They are a part of your brand identity. Separating this is extremely important. Without this differentiation, it will be very difficult to start a brand image strategy development and improve your brand awareness. Good luck!

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Post updated on 25 Oct, 2023.

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