Protranslate Blog
Importance of Interpretation During A Pandemic
With global lockdown, every possible service went online including interpretation and translation. It is not entirely new for anyone to see the words “online” or “freelance” being used in the same sentence as “translation” but what about interpretation? In this...
Why is SaaS Localization Important?
What SaaS stands for? How to make service popular among the foreign audience? The answer is simple – make it local! Read about the importance of SaaS localization in this blog post…
Multimedia Localization Explained
Multimedia localization from A to Z. We are going to tell about multimedia localization structure, its comparison with social media localization and the most important how it can improve the quality of your content.
How to be time efficient for freelancers
If you have been considering to start working as a freelancer you should remember that “time is money”. Learn how to manage your time efficiently and get all the bonuses of freelance working!
Measure Brand Awareness With Key Metrics
Building brand awareness is a complex task which includes building brand identity, measuring brand awareness metrics, creating communication channels just to name few… In this blog post, we are going to explain the role of brand awareness, key metrics to measure it and reveal some secrets that might help your brand to grow its brand fans and brand ambassadors naturally. Learn more…
Benefits of Subject Matter Experts in the Translation Industry
Is it enough to be a fluent speaker to produce a high-quality translation? Your expertise in subject and creativity also matters! Read about the benefits of expert translation and how to make content more engaging with the reader in this blog post…
Neural Machine Translation
Want to learn how neural machine translation is functioning? What will be the next steps on the path of the machine learning development? All this information in the blog post
Social Media Globalization: It Was Sales Numbers Before, How Has It Become Followers, Likes and Comments Now?
In a global world advertisement on Facebook has become the new TV commercial. How and why social media has become so important in brand management and driving sales numbers up? Find out more in our blog post…
Who is more local: You or those new generation Chatbots?
Chatbot service has the potential to dramatically increase your sales and improve all your marketing efforts on foreign markets. Learn the most successful chatbot use-cases in this blog post
Finesse Your Translation with Finest Tools
There are many computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools for translators to use. These tools help to improve the translation quality while easing the job for translators. Learn how and why to use CAT tools in the process of professional translation.
Shoot for the Stars: Think Global, Act Local
Think Globally – Act Locally is a great and inspiring concept for a business. But what stands behind these words? How to implement this strategy in real life? Protranslate is explaining on a real global company use case…
Google Ads Translation Essentials
Starting Google Ads campaigns in a foreign language is a challenging task. How to create an effective commercial message that will help to sell your product? How to find a suitable context to sell your product? And more tips from Protranslate localization team…