Social Media Globalization: It Was Sales Numbers Before, How Has It Become Followers, Likes and Comments Now?

Rana MaaloufRana Maalouf

In today’s constant effort to globalize, the greatest tool with largest impact is social media, without any doubt. Even before the brands’ websites managed to become global, social media did. It started the revolution. The role of social media became inevitable. Rather than social media, “global social media” or “social media globalization” concepts emerged and rose. Today, there is no certain answer to “How many people use social media globally?” question. But we can safely say that it is half the world population at its worst. But how has it spread like that?


Social Media Globalization 101

Try to remember or imagine what it was like for companies to promote themselves before all this fuss in social media. There were TV commercials, roll-ups on every bus station. People used to really pay attention to their surroundings. It was a way more expensive manner to put out an advertisement and it caused sure a lot more paper waste. While it was also highly expensive to promote oneself in your mother-land, to promote yourself in a foreign country meant twice the expenses. You had to have a team recruited to do the same process in foreign countries and pay that team as well. With currency fluctuations, it was rather challenging to estimate the profit ratio.


Global Examples

Now let’s put that aside and try to focus on the people aspect. Keep Facebook in mind for a second. Before Facebook, there were letters, phone books but there was no way to connect two people from two different continents just like that. Delivery of a letter would take ages let alone finding an address. With phones, a regular salary couldn’t have afforded to have international calls. But Facebook came and not only eased the communication between two people sitting next to one another; it also eased the communication between two people living in two ends of the world. As the prime example of globalization, Facebook didn’t just help people to communicate and globalize, it also allowed companies to promote themselves on a global scale.

(How to avoid mistakes while advertising in foreign markets? Read our article about how to avoid translation mistakes in advertising to find out more.)

Many companies gave ads to Facebook to use social media for global marketing. Considering almost 60 thousand people click on Facebook ads every day, they succeeded. And what is the best part? No more paper waste and aside from that, less TV commercials and less bus-stop flyers.

With Facebook and many others that followed, the impact of social media on globalization couldn’t have been condescended. Digital marketing branches emerged within companies to ease social media globalization of companies. This globalization of social media led companies to have a certified social media account, be it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or in LinkedIn. Companies who didn’t have them fell short on the global market race.


Facts and Figures for Social Media Globalization

Let’s talk numbers to truly demonstrate the effects of the globalization of social media.  2019 global social media research suggests that the overall popularity of Social media globally increased by 9% as the number of internet users increased worldwide. Of all regions, Northern, Western and South Europe and North America contribute to global social media use between 88% and 95%. Additionally, Facebook still leads with the number of its active users, paving the way for companies to be heard internationally. Such global social media statics allow companies to decide their marketing strategies targeting specific audience.

For example, if a company aims to be heard in Poland, targeting the young audience, they should be actively advertising themselves in Facebook whereas a company targeting the older audience in Spain should aim for Facebook. Global social media market size, on the other hand, steadily continues to grow ever since its establishment. As of 2019, its global revenue has reached 39 million dollars and even more. While Facebook still has the largest proportion of social media activity on a global scale, many more follows the footsteps. Though it may seem quite easy to manage social media at your local market, it might become a huge challenge for your business to manage social media and advertisement on a foreign market. In that case, you might want to learn more about advertising translation service.



All information and statistics combined, there is no doubt that social media rules over the global markets when it comes to promotion and sales. Most records have been broken due to the success of social media globalization and many companies grew bigger as a result of their successful use of social media on a global scale. Living in a technological era, the use of technological tools while on the way for global success is inevitable and it is a good thing. Social media and globalization helped many companies become what they are today, ask Uber if you wish.

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Post updated on 27 Sep, 2023.

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