
Rana MaaloufRana Maalouf

What is Storytelling?

Let’s start with the definition of storytelling. What is it? Storytelling, ancient and valuable form of the human expression, is the art of using words and actions to disclose the images of a narrative while addressing the listener’s imagination. Storytelling is the power of creating a connection and feeling between you and your audience.

Can you tell stories with data? Absolutely! But it doesn’t mean just making better charts and graphics or presentation slides. Storytelling with data is the way of being real, open, and honest with your listener about the situation or the problem.  It also gives you the opportunity of asking the listeners’ opinions and reaction for the same situation. Instead of giving them the answer, storytelling with data providing them with the required information provides the opportunity of presenting their answers.

Digital storytelling is an effective way of using data. It is a narrative created from images and put into a visual presentation. If you are presenting your story in another language, make sure to come up with a proper presentation translation to make sure to get a message to your audience. You can use photos, videos, music, and voice. Through the internet, you can share your story with digital storytelling. Digital storytelling is a fun way to get your voice heard and share your feelings.


Tips and Tricks

The storytellers’ secret lies behind the powerful transformation. It can dramatically change your business and the way you interact with the world. It is a powerful way of changing the world. The storytellers’ secrets are to inspire, to educate, to motivate, and to set them in motion. Business storytelling is attaching your personal story to your business. Business storytelling aims to get audiences’ attention to the product and stick in their mind. In business stories, it is very important to establish a connection with your audience and building common ground.

How to tell a story? This is one of the most searched questions on the internet. We should be aware of steps that are also storytelling guide. The first step of the storytelling techniques is deciding a story you like. Then split up the story into an outline of the event so that you can easily remember when narrating. You can write the story or draw it in a storyboard. Then, tell yourself the story by looking at your notes or drawings and repeat it several times. Lastly, find a friend or an associate and share your story with them. While doing this think about the emotions in the story and use some of them when you tell your story.

Storytelling is speaking people’s emotions. People make decisions with their emotions. The brain has two sides, emotional and logical or practical side. The emotional side of the brain is predominant when deciding. Stories speak to the emotional side of the brain and grab attention.

It is the power of creating a connection and feeling that you are presenting to your customer or audience. For example, if you are a businessman you can search inspirational storytelling examples to create your own unique brand story. Pay attention to your content and to content translation to make sure it reflects your brand story and brand values.


What About the Past?

Humanity has always been storytellers. They tell us who we are and provide examples of life. That’s why the history of storytelling goes back to the history of humankind. We need the power of storytelling today because we are under the influence of media. Yet, there are so many people of action that are making an incredible impact to change the world. We need these inspirational stories. It gives us examples and archetypes; we experience over and over again during history and create a force to raise our potential. This is the magic of storytelling.

Let’s talk about three tips. The first tip is setting up your context which means bringing together the situation and your goal. Second tip is planning the structure of your story. Lastly, regularly revealing new information and improving your story taking into account new situations. These tips can also be called storytelling rules.

Great storytellers are teachers and leaders; thus, it can be used to drive change and breakthrough advances.  Considering the importance of storytelling, everybody should attend storytelling 101 training to be a complete narrator.

We always reflect the world, we are feeling and experiencing, through stories. Therefore, the future of it never ends as long as humans exist in the world. Steve Jobs’ following quote encapsulates the storytelling importance: “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.”

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Post updated on 4 Oct, 2019.

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