Benefits of Subject Matter Experts in the Translation Industry

Rana MaaloufRana Maalouf

More often than not the level of accuracy of translations is quite low across the industry and the reason being that translators are given content when they are not native in that language. Nor are they trained in the field or industry of the topic. These two key factors are what lead to poor quality of writing and content. Furthermore, an individual with no key knowledge within the topic will not have fully developed concepts and ideas, the structure of writing and the body of the piece will be completely lost. In summary, it will be poor in terms of grammar, but also poor structurally. That’s when the subject matter experts step in.

It is defining this that will allow for an understanding of the key difference between simply translating and producing high quality, expert piece of work. After all, it is key to remember you have specialist readers and users, therefore the content you are providing them should reach their level of expectation. So what should you do to ensure your content is engaging?


The solution: Subject matter experts

Using subject matter experts and fluent native speakers will result in a translation of high quality, and more localized content to be created. It means providing relevant and well-written content to customers who expect just that. It is combining the skill of technique with the skill of knowledge and creativity. It will make the writing stand out against all others.

The importance of subject matter expertise in translation cannot be expressed enough. For example, if you want to write a travel article, asking someone who has never left their hometown to write the piece, although they may have knowledge of the language you are translating to, would lead to a less than exciting or qualified piece of writing. Their lack of experience cannot allow them to clearly write, portray characters, emotions or experiences if they have never lived them before.

Furthermore, we should address the importance of the writer not only knowing the translated language but the original. This cultural understanding relating to both languages will mean relevant, current and modern writing that will end up being more relatable to all your customers.


What can be done?

As a language services company, it is vital to ensure not only qualified translators, but specialized translators who are able to provide expert translation service. In our professional experience, this will allow for the writing to be more concise and directed towards the intended audience. Meaning your piece is engaging and the right fit for your readers. Ultimately this is what matters, the users. If your content is not well written, knowledgeable and engaging, it can lead to a loss of users, potential revenue or respect within the industry or field etc. The results can be truly ceaseless. So why not do everything in your power to make sure your users get nothing but the best.


Our Subject Matter Expert Services

As a professional translation company, we provide more than simply a translation service. We strive to provide writers who are experts and understand the content, regulations and terminology in different industries. Furthermore, it means the writing will have more technical language and in-depth, fully cultivated ideas than a writer who is not specialized. It means digging a little deeper and providing content from a different perspective, one entirely new and fresh.

Blending the previously mentioned qualifications is what allows us to generate the best of the best.

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Post updated on 18 Oct, 2023.

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