Your Guide to Creating High-Quality Content

Rana MaaloufRana Maalouf

Content creation for any business, no matter what the field, is extremely important. It is the way your brand communicates with an audience. It is the first impression you give and it is the way you not only get new users or customers but maintain the old ones. But how do you create high-quality content? Or creating content for social media? Luckily, Protranslate is going to break it down for you. And with these tools and small adjustments, you will see a drastic difference.

Firstly, is SEO. We all know SEO now and how crucial it is. Without SEO, your website gets lost in hundreds of website search results and no one will ever find you. But its more than that. Even having a first-page ranking is not enough. Your content needs to be relevant, exciting, and creative for it to maintain its ranking – therefore making SEO your top priority is essential. For a business which operates internationally, we also recommend to learn more about SEO writing services.


How to Create an SEO Content Strategy?

These are only a few SEO content writing tips – but a valuable few to get you started in creating SEO optimized content

  • Audience Comes First.

Most companies generate content regularly. Whether it’s for LinkedIn, Instagram or blog posts. Yet not many companies are doing it right. The key is not just to generate content revolving around your industry, but targeted to a specific audience. So, establish your audience, and write for them. Answer their questions, anticipate their needs, it doesn’t even need to be about your product or services! Just something that will interest and be relevant to your target audience. Establish yourself as an expert and be informative – this will make you stand out from your competition.

  • Use keywords to your advantage – not a disadvantage.

Keywords are valuable. But lots of companies end up jamming their content full of every keyword they can possibly squeeze in. This not only ruins the flow of writing but is extremely obvious. Readers will notice and be turned off. Not only that, some search engines will give penalties when they sense there are too many keywords. So use them purposefully and sparingly. Focus more on the flow of the content and see where keywords fit in naturally.


Creating Linkedin Content & Strategies:

Now let’s talk about one particularly powerful social media tool for businesses: Linkedin. To create effective LinkedIn content there are various steps, but today we will just give you some of the highlights.

  • Just like with creating an effective SEO strategy – the audience comes first.

However, the audience on Linkedin is a little bit different.

You have:

  1. General Professionals
  2. Professionals in Your Industry/ Same Position
  3. Potential Future Clients/ Customers

Differentiating between these different audience types should differentiate the messaging of the content. You might use more industry lingo for content that is directed toward individuals in your profession vs. featuring more products and services for content directed towards future clients. Just make sure to keep in mind who are you are writing for.

  • Build Trust – Be a Person

The internet is saturated with information. And a lot of extremely repetitive content. So, don’t regurgitate the same generic robotic informative information. Connect with your readers on a human level. Share stories, share interesting facts and experiences, share your failures and successes. Expose yourself as a business and as a human individual. Open up to your readers, and build trust. This will innately encourage a healthy following and exchange with your readers.


What About The High-Quality Content Itself?

Now that we have gone over some of the strategies – how do you go about creating the actual content? Luckily the digital age is on your side and there are tons of desktop publishing content creation tools available to you to make that process easier.

  • Google Alerts
    • This will allow you to choose specific topics relevant to your industry or marketing strategy and receive notifications and emails with news, and content ideas related to your selected topics. This will allow you to stay on top of trends and hot topics making your content more relevant.
  • Google Trends

This is a tool that will show you popular search terms across different regions, time frames, geographic locations, languages etc. This, in turn, will allow you to have a better keyword strategy.

  • Piktochart

This creation tool will allow you to create infographics and visuals. With tons of customized templates the options are endless and if you’re a beginner when it comes to design, no worries at all it is essentially already done for you.

The TakeAway:

Now that you have all the tools and strategies we hope you aren’t worried anymore about how to create consistent content. However, if you still don’t feel quite ready, just know that there are content creation companies like Portranslate who will handle all of these for you and help you figure out how to create content for social media as well as other content creation services and content translation services.

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Post updated on 3 Jan, 2024.

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