Academic Translation References
As a reference to our service, you can review the comments on Protranslate's academic translation and editing services from several of our more than 5000 customers who have received academic language support from us in different areas.
Academic Translation Service
Especially during the translation and control process of research and articles to be published in refereed journals abroad, Protranslate makes the publishing process smooth by working with translators who have a good command of both the language and the subject of the article and applying the two-stage quality control process.
With its infrastructure providing opportunities such as creating a database specific to the project, organizing a translator team, and creating a glossary of terms, Protranslate guarantees the use of perfect language and style, article writing rules, and accurate literature required by academic contents.
Download our document now to review our academic translation services provided by our academic translators who are specialized in different fields.
Case Studies - Protranslate
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