Localization Services Provided For Joom
Joom has welcomed thousands of new Europeans customers and merchants thanks to Protranslate's localization services.
Joom Content Translation and Localization
"Thanks to Protranslate, we now have a considerable number of merchants and buyers from Spain, Germany and Turkey resulting in hundreds of merchants and thousands of buyers. Protranslate has helped us design and lead our localization workflow, and achieve the target set for the respective markets."
Marina Sokolova - Marketing Content Coordinator, Joom
Joom’s collaboration with Protranslate resulted in a surge of European customers and merchants to the platform. The localized platform increased the traffic by twofold along with 65% increase in Spanish and German merchants following the initial localization period. Joom has welcomed thousands of new European buyers so far while the number of users continues to increase with each localized content.
Download our case study now to get information and learn the details of our localization work for Joom.
Case Studies - Protranslate
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