Hotel Website Localization
We enabled KHG hotels to increase the number of their guests from the MENA region and Iran by translating their websites into Arabic and Persian in an SEO compatible way.
Kilit Hospitality Group Website Localization
"By adding Arabic and Persian language support to our website, we have focused on the 80 million Iranian market as well as the 400 million Arabic-speaking population."
Ferhan Yönter
Digital Marketing and CRM Manager, KHG
Since the Arabic and Persian languages are written from right to left, the HTML structure needs to be designed accordingly. As Protranslate, we also assisted Kilit Hospitality Group in this matter.
Thanks to the SEO compatible localization service we provided to KHG, we have been informed that the website visits from the Iran region lasted 7 minutes longer than the other visits. We received feedback from KHG that the Iranian guests had explored the hotel website for a longer period; because they were informed in their language about the hotel.
Download our case study now to learn the details of our localization work for Kilit Hospitality Group and to assess what we can do together."
Case Studies - Protranslate
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