Translation Service for Documents with Technical Content
Take a look at our work with Tümosan within the scope of our technical translation service specific to the machinery industry by our technical translators who are specialized in different engineering fields.
Tumosan Technical Translation Service
"Hundreds of product contents under our product groups, such as tractors, agricultural equipment, engine components, and forklifts have been translated by the dedicated project team of Protranslate; then they went through a two-stage quality control process which made us feel comfortable in terms of quality."
Onur Koca
Marketing Executive, Tümosan
The translation team, organized by our project managers by involving mechanical engineer translators, carried out a consistent and high-quality work using our technical translation database and terminology database specific to the machinery sector. The double-stage post-translation quality control process completes the project flawlessly by ensuring that the content in the target language is controlled in terms of each aspect.
Within the scope of technical translation service, we, as Protranslate, also provide language support to many manufacturers who want to sell their products abroad and gain earnings in the basis of foreign currency by exporting; we are also ready to provide language support for your technical translation needs.
Download the success story document that we prepared with Tümosan to be a reference to our technical support services.
Case Studies - Protranslate
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